Do you need a training to help you master your trade, but can’t imagine it fitting into your busy schedule?
We’ve built an online training curriculum that provides you with the benefits of live training, but without the constraints.

Summer Dey offers high quality online video training that you can watch on your own time. So you can learn on your own time—and grow on your own time. We pour passion, knowledge, and practical pointers into all of our videos. Which means the trainings won’t just engage you; they’ll also change you.
You’ll become more knowledgeable, more capable, and more confident after going through our training. The skills you’ll learn will last you—and benefit you—for a lifetime.
Furthermore, we’ve worked hard to make our content is both easy to understand and easy to implement. All our trainings are broken into bite-sized lessons, which walk you through step-by-step until you complete the entire online curriculum.
Think about it…
There’s never been a better time in history to grow your skillset and mindset, since there’s never been a time in history when world-class training was so accessible! The internet has changed everything. The doors to growth, opportunity, and success are wide open. And so now is the time to train.
Creating Breakthrough
In life there will be certain seasons when you feel unable to make progress. It may be in one area, like your finances. Or it may show up in numerous areas simultaneously and you feel “stuck” in your relationships, job, health and more.
That’s when you need to know and employ the skill of creating breakthrough:
- How to Master Adversity
- 5 Highly Effective Tools for Leveling Mental Roadblocks
- A Foolproof System for Accountability and Follow Through
- The 3 Blind Spots that Undermine Your Best Efforts
- How to Use Risk to Motivate Change

Download your FREE GIFT NOW!
Fire Your Fear by Summer Dey
This eBook is one of Summer Dey's most popular publications
available as a free download.
In this book you will learn how to stop letting fear & anxiety rule your life by:
- Shifting the Words You Speak.
- Winning the Battle in Your Mind.
- Trusting God's Word.
- Putting God Above Your Fear.
- Finding Freedom in Forgiveness.
What People Are Saying:

JeanMarie Kaehler
"I struggled with anxiety, depression and unworthiness for over 15 years. I tried all the "right" things - from counseling to personal development. Not matter what I tried I couldn't seem to get breakthrough to stick. Then I started coaching with Summer and I got more healing in her 90-day program than I did in 15 years of therapy! And I am happy to report that over a year later, the results are still sticking."

Karen Mettam
"Summer created a safe space for me to share my fears, my breakthroughs, my failures and successes. I learned so much through the forgiveness model and God taught me so much about myself through this.
I would recommend any woman to invest in themselves and to do this course. You are worth it!"

Tina Mader
"I was living in fear and stayed in bed most days, not wanting to even get up and often calling in sick to work. I felt hopeless and suicidal, and was merely existing. I thought I would never be able to solve my problems because I had literally tried everything! I almost didn’t reach out to Summer because I didn’t think I would be able to afford any coaching and felt the urge to just keep on running from my problems like I always did. I joined Summer’s program and my whole life changed! I now feel peace when I wake up, and EXCITED about life because I have learned to love myself for the first time EVER!"

Shannon Gort Eckhoff
"I was completely lost in life. I felt terrified and alone because I was barely functioning and was always in survival mode. Then I joined Summer's Fear Into Faith Coaching Program and I implemented the steps I learned. I now feel incredible confidence, freedom, and self-love. I finally have pride & joy in being WHO I WAS ALWAYS MEANT TO BE.
The BEST decision I ever made was finally investing in myself and joining this program. It literally saved me life!"

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